The quay of the Rosary

The quay of the Rosary

I recently visited Brugge, together with my best friend. And if you visit Brugge as a photographer, you have to visit the quay of the Rosary. I think this is the most famous spot in Brugge. When you visit Flanders in Belgium, I most recommend this location!

It was a nice evening after a very warm, hot week in the Netherlands and Belgium. You can almost feel that this city, with his people, need a cooling down. For one of the most famous location in Belgium, it was a very quiet evening. After a short walk we arrived at the qua of the Rosary. And yes, it is a beautiful spot. There where several other photographers and every one take the same shot… So, I do also 😉

After several photos we leave this spot, looking for a nice cold beer. And that was a challenge. Every pub was closing, and that at 10 o’clock. Can you imagine the same situation in Rotterdam? But after a short search we found a loction where we can drink one cold beer…. Lovely after a hot day.

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