See the light, hear His voice

See the light, hear His voice

And then…. Then I see some lightning on the right side of me. What happens? Thunder and rain are rolling in…. Just beside me…. Flowing directly to Zierekzee. The colours in the sky where amazing. Quickly I took all my gear and run to the top of the dike. It was a little challange to find a nice composition… And when I set up my gear and find a composition… Then follows a couple of new lightnings. See the light, hear His voice!

Zierikzee, Zeeland, Netherlands
Rain and thunder on the dike at Zierikzee.

On such moment I feel myself very small in this wonderful world. The light, the thunder…. Some of you know that I’m a Christian. And when I hear the thunder, I know that He speak to us. And with that nice sunrise morning light… I know, I want, that He is my God!