

Eyemouth is a Scottish town on the North Sea coast in the Scottish border region. It has beautiful rugged coastlines with deep bays and rugged rocks. You can enjoy a lovely walk on the Berwickshire coastal path. This path runs along Eyemouth all the way to Berwick. Yes, this is a long piece, but even a small part is certainly worth the effort.

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Blogs from Eyemouth

Surrounded by grace

There are those mornings that, while photography at sunrise, you feel completely surrounded by grace. Similarly this morning near the Berwickshire coastal path at Eyemouth. The sea was calm this morning at the peninsula. I stand on the edge of a cliff. Looking over the North sea. There was only silence. Only a few birds […]

When the earth awakens

It makes me still… When the earth awakens… It reminds me how great is Thou art… That’s my conclusion after a very nice stay at the Scottish Border with his fabulous coastline. A few weeks ago, we (my family and I) stays for our holiday in Scotland. Scotland… Glen Coe, Isle of Sky and the […]

Landscape wall prints

With a suitable work of landscape art, you can turn your interior into a match made in heaven. Because than is it fine to be at home!