Feeling happines!

Feeling happines!

It was a long time ago that I take some nice landscape photos. Our vacation in England was the last time, I think. I know, for some people isn’t that a long time ago but for me…

Between our vacation and last weekend there was another photo evening, but that turns out no nothing. That happens some times. Also with me…

But this evening! It was al about feeling happiness! What a stunning, wonderful and great evening. The clouds, the temperature and of course this nice location. All nice things came together.

This photo is a typical Dutch, or must I say ‘Zeeuwse’ photo? The dunes, the beach and the North Sea: This is Zeeland! In my opinion: “the most beautiful province of all!”.

I hope you like also this seascape photo! And hopefully I upload soon an other great landscape photo 😉