Tantallon castle

Tantallon castle

This location was high on my list for photography during our stay in Scotland! Location? Tantallon Castle near North Berwick in East Lothian. It’s a Beautiful castle on a cliff at the North Sea. The rocks in the bay were amazing.

It was perhaps the most difficult place I have ever photographed. No, it wasn’t the location, but more the weather. Also the tide had just be right. There were only a few days that were right during our stay. Unfortunately on arrival it appeared that the clouds were a lot less than predicted. Hard backlight 🙁

Tantallon Castle, Scottish Borders, Scotland, UK
Tantallon castle at the beautiful coastline.

Although I am a huge fan of working with gray gradient filters, this was unfortunately not enough. So this is a blended photo. One for the foreground and one for the sky. For both photos I use a gray natural gradient filter in combination with the H&Y Polarization filter. With this Polarization filter I was able to put back the glare on the water. 

The images on my camera display didn’t look good. I was assumed that it was a lost evening. Even when I had backed up the images on my laptop, I was still disappointed. But after our vacation, I looked again at the images with fresh eyes. To my surprise I had 2 photos that I could blend together, with this as a result. Very happy with this!

You are my fortress, where I refuge

Sometimes things happen in life that are sometimes so difficult. Then you want to be salvaged. You want to be able to hide at a place where it is safe. What I believe, that God is my castle. My fortress. The place where I can refuge. I had to think about this, when I was taking this photo. That’s the reason for this title, that accompanies this photo on social media.