Durdle Door

Durdle Door

For many years I have a short list of places to visit as a photographer. Durdle Door was on top of that list. The time fly away. But the day that I will visit Durdle Door was finally there. So, a few weeks back we make a trip to Dorset and Cornwall.

A family Holiday, with a plenty of time to visit some nice locations. We visited of course Durdle Door. But also Kimmeridge Bay and Portland Bill. What a great locations for landscape photography. In Holland we only have a flat horizon. Sometimes I’am a little bit jealous of photographers from other countries. But it gives me also a reason to travel 😉

It meets all my expectations. I love the shape of the door. I love the wonderful beach. And of course the nice lines of the Jurassic coast.

I’ve a great morning. Yes, it early morning (Alarm at 4:00 hour, English time ;-)). But it was all worth it!!!