Finally, we meet again

Finally, we meet again

Every time when we leave the United Kingdom, after our holiday, I feel a little sadness. The people, the country are so nice. And then the nature… It calls me… “Please, make a photo from us” 😉

After one year, we where back. Back at the Jurassic Coast. For one week. The weather was last year increandeble. This year? It was good, not always good photographer weather but well very nice holiday weather.

The first evening, the day after arriving, we visited Stair Hole. A beautiful limestone cove nearby West-Lulworth. And the first evening sunset was simply amazing…

So Purbeck, so Dorset…. Finally, we meet again.

On my holiday I tested a new tripod brand: Leofoto. So my next blog will be a review. After that, more photos of the Jurassic Coast and South-Wales(!) follow soon.