Founding tranquility for my heart

Founding tranquility for my heart

We have some lovelly days at Trecco Bay. Blue sky, 20 – 25 degrees with a very soft wind. But as landscape photographer I want clouds! 😉
After one of those days, at the beginning of the evening there came some clouds. I take my gear and run to the beach (from our holiday house to the beach: 10 steps 🙂 )

But with these clouds came also rain. The tide was rising and I found a lovely composition. And when the clouds passed my, with the sun in my back, all things came together.

On such days I found peace and rest. I don’t take only a beautiful photo, but also clear my head. Feel a little calmness in my self. That’s the reason for the title of this photo: Founding tranquility for my heart. Maybe can you recognize in yourself?

After take some nice photos, came back to our holiday house, I praise myself lucky. Travel with my family, watching some beautiful nature. I’m gratefull!